Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Disney Land

We have been planning for about six months for my whole family to go to Disney Land.There are 16 of us now. With Brandi's news it is hard to go I worried that it was a mistake. The doctors told her that she would be okay to go it wouldn't change anything.

We decided maybe this is what we need to do if for no other reason for the the children. Stockton and Preston need to go have fun and do kid things. The others would be so disappointed if we didn't go.

We leave Wednesday. I will let you know how it goes Let's hope it can left everyone spirits!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Thanatophoric Dysplasia

Thanatophoric Dysplasia such a strange word. Can't even say it, yet it has turned our world upside down. My oldest daughter who is 22 weeks pregnant, baby was just diagnosed with this. This is a fatal condition. The baby will sometime abort but sometimes it will go full term but die shortly after. I have been reading on the internet and found some babies have lived, but it looks like it would have to be with medical intervention such as feeding tubes, support breathing etc.

How is my daughter doing? It's tough! But not for a moment would she consider aborting the baby. She understands our Heavenly Father's plan and knows that there is a purpose for this. This baby has already proven itself in life's trails. It must have been a very noble sprit of god in heaven. It only needed to come to earth to receive a body. What an honor to carry such a valiant sprit. But.. it still isn't easy.

Our youngest granddaughter went to Brandi the day that she found out that her baby had some form of Dwarfism and said "Aunt Brandi, I want so bad for Preston to be a dwarf!" She didn't know but it brought Brandi to tears. Strange that Snow White and the seven dwarfs came out now, McKenzie only wanted Preston to be a dwarf for Halloween.

So many little things happen like that each day. Siblings announcing they are having babies. Stockton said it is a lot like wanting something really bad for Christmas and watching everyone else get it. But they are happy for these other little spirits coming in to the world.

We must look at this as an opportunity to be Disciples of Christ and to declare him in all things and accept the challenge the best that we can. We will put all things in Gods hands and have total faith that there is a reason and god knows what we can handle even more than we know

Sam is such a rock in all of this. He always has treated Brandi like a queen and now he is so tender with her. I am so proud to have him as a son in law.
We appreciate those putting out the arms to us and especially Brandi and Sam and their little family. These are going to be an interesting few months

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our own 9-11

Finding-Hope (Click)
At some time in each of our lives we will all have our own 9-11. The principals in this video can help us get through them. We love the people that made such a sacrifice on 9-11

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Service project

We had a great experience today. Our stake gather clothing and shoes for the refugees of the New haven Ward in central Salt Lake. They people were so happy and was delighted to receive the clothing and shoes that had been gathered. We helped the kids try to find shoes that would fit. Next year we need to contribute socks most of the kids didn't have socks. Also we could have used more boy shoes many went away without any. This is my neighbors Tami, Jolynn and Janette .

Thursday, October 1, 2009

I got to go to Cake camp

I took classes from some amazing teachers. The second day of classes I forgot my camera. But i took a class from Colette Peters you probably have seen her books before. I love them! I also took a class from Toba Garrett and B. Keith Ryder. I am sure you have seen all of these guys on the Food Network or TLC Ultimate Cake Challenge either as a judge or a contestant. It was a lot of fun and I learned a ton of things.
I love Susan Carburry. I have lots of her videos. She had the fun table set up at the vendors room I bought a ton of stuff! More fun cakes.

This is Nicholas Lodge he owns the International School of Sugar Arts. I took several classes from him.