Monday, April 26, 2010

I love to go to Thanksgiving Point in the Spring to see the Tulip Festival. The Tulips were beautiful this year. Another fun attraction was a mother goose was sitting on a nest and an owl was nesting up by the water falls. Only the Crowhters could make it this year, but we had a lot of fun and got some cute pictures. Another day of blessings!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter Celebration

Can you believe there was snow on the ground for Easter. Everyone came over for dinner and we had to do our Easter Egg Hunt in the basement. It was conference weekend, it made for a very nice weekend!

Another day of blessings!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

We had the opportunity celebrating Easter with the Ronald McDonald house. Brandi arranged another Aarons Errands. We let some blue balloons go in memory of Aaran, helped color Easter eggs and of course we did our Easter Egg hunt.

Another day of blessings!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Mckenzie

Mckenzie just turned 4! She had a fun birthday party that I got to be a part of. Thanks Mckenzie for inviting grandma too!

Another day of blessings!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday to my mother. Barbara is meeting me half way so that we can give our mother a birthday cake for her birthday. This is a very light and fluffy strawberry frosting with a coconut cake. Be sure and wish her Happy Birthday today!

Another day of blessings!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Aleisa

Okay I did it again. I didn'Align Centert get a picture of Aleisa for her birthday. But I couldn't miss an opportunity to take her a birthday cake and a birthday wish. Love you Aleisa thank you for everything you do!

Another day of blessings!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sam's birthday week

Can you believe I didn't get a picture of Sam on his birthday? But here is some of his birthday guest. We hope Sam has the best year yet because we love Sam!! We are glad the Braiden is felling better!
Another day of blessings!