Saturday, June 26, 2010

Bike Helmets

What a week! Go to Brandi blog and read about my sweet Grandson. Stockton had an accident this week that was a nail bitter for a while. We are so thankful he is going to be okay.

I just want to remind everyone out there to please wear their helmets! I know they are a bit uncomfortable but ask Stockton how uncomfortable he is today and how much he will miss out on this summer and he had his helmet on. It was the unprotected parts of the fact that got hurt. The helmet was in take. I am so grateful that even though his mom said he could only ride the mountain bike for 5 minutes he took the time to put his helmet on! We sure love him and want him to get better soon!

Another day of blessings!

Friday, June 25, 2010

First two days in England

The first day in London we spent on getting our prepaid phone cards. It was quit a deal. We bought a phone for 14 pounds (approx. $21 us) and put 30 pounds on them. It only cost 6 pence a min to call home (9 cents us). Even though we called home three- four times a day we still didn't spend the full 30. We also got our oyster cards. The oyster card will let you ride the subway, bus (which they call coach), train and the clippers. We also walked around Victoria station which was just a few blocks from our Hotel. We ended our evening on the Second Day by seeing the Broadway show Wicked
England is 7 hours ahead of us so it took me some time to adjust to the change actually about four days my sister adjust after the first day. The second day we went and seen the Towers, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and St Pauls Cathedral (Princes Diana was married here)

We also had Tea and scones at the department store called Harrads Department store. this is oldest department store in England

We had a great time. Next day we are headed to York a 13th Century City and we are going by train.

Another day of blessings!