Saturday, April 5, 2008

Here is Cool Kid Power! Stockton was in school and my other four grand kids are at Disneyland.

We had a busy week. We tried to get 19 tickets to go to Stadium of Fire that was for our family, but we didn't get them. We found someone who would sell us 5. So everyone is going to go and set out side the stadium and party. We though we would let the three oldest Kelli my great niece, Adyson my oldest grand daughter and Stockton my oldest grandson go into the Stadium and than two adults. We haven't decided who yet.
Thank you to the nice man in Draper who didn't try and scam us on the tickets like so many others tried to. There are good people out there.

1 comment:

Crowther family said...

I love this picture of the three kids. I have to have one of them. They are too cute.