Thursday, August 27, 2009

Summer Ends

We love to spend time at Bear Lake. It was short this year because I forgot and didn't book a cabin until there was almost nothing avilable so I had to take what we could take.

Don't you think Gavin and Braiden are starting to look more a like

Everyone has been working so hard you can tell they were all exhusted!

The kids love to build sand castles I think they all had their turn.

Gabe even got in on all the fun!

It was fun to watch Cameron, this was the first year that he really liked it!

Ady and Stockton are such good friends they have a lot of fun together

Skyler loves when his dad throws

Jody is showing Kenzie what playing in the lake is all about

We do other things there also I will have to post those later

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