Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The LDS Church and relief effors in Haiti

Did you notice this on the church web site?
First Presidency Appeals to Members to Help Haiti

In an official statement, the First Presidency has appealed to the worldwide membership of the Church to help relieve the suffering in Haiti. To make a donation, go to the Humanitarian Services Emergency Response donation form. Visit the Newsroom for updates on the Church’s relief efforts in Haiti.

I feel very good about donating this way, because we know every penny will go to the relief effort. There is no money held out for administrative cost. Caution when you see a blog like this don't ever just click on the link to make your donation. I have had people highjack my links before and direct them to another site. Type in the churches web sit yourself www.lds.org

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I love my grandkids

My grandkids say the funniest things. I had to share the most recent. Preston had got in trouble with his mom. She was disciplining him with the recent death in the family he has heard a lot of adults give good advice. He thought he would use some of these kind words other have said. In the middle of her discussion where she was discipline him he said 'Mom take a deep breath we can work through this" what could she say after that...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sending balloons to Aaron

Our little Aaron! We never got to see you get all excited over your first balloon, but we know these times are ahead. We know that you mother and father will have that opportunity. We sent these balloons to you with all our love. Your Brothers and cousins sent them with much love! We will try our best to do what we need to see you again. Love Grandma

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Aaron Samuel Jensen

Aaron Samuel Jensen, born January 4, 2010, died January 4, 2010 and was reunited with so many family members who preceded him in death and rejoiced in him coming home. As a bright and noble spirit of God, ...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The veil is thin between Heaven and Earth

The veil is thin between heaven and earth.  We only had an hour with our Aaron Samuel Jensen.  But it was an amazing experince I will never forget.  In that hour we had two brothers that was so excited to meet Aaron Samuel.  They loved him and read stories to him.  They hugged him in their blankets and they kissed him good bye.  
A small service will be Saturday at 2:00 oclock we will post more details later

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I wanted to share a couple of sweet pictures

I wanted to share a couple of sweet pictues I took of Preston and Stockton while they waited for Aaron to be born yesterday.

Aaron Samuel Jensen

Thank you everyone for your prayers! Everything that Brand and Sam had hoped for was able to happen. Aaron Samuel Jensen was a beautiful little boy. His older brothers Stockton and Preston were able to hold him.  They were so cute with him. Even though it was almost one in the morning when we left the hospital the boys were still being so sweet and cute and kind. The grandparents were able to hold him also.  It was like holding a piece of heaven in your arms! Loving Aunts and Uncles called and knew he was alive and gave their wishes.  But knew there was not time to get there.  Brandi and Sam were amazing!  They were so thankful they had this time with their third son and that the other sons were able to share that time with them. 

Monday, January 4, 2010

Brandi Update

Brandi is still in Labor, looks like it is going to be a long night.  The doctor is trying to help her along.  We will keep you posted

Today is the day

The holidays are over with.  That was one of Brandi's goals to see if she could get through the holidays before she delivered Aaron.  She is at the Hospital todaoy and we are expecting her to deliver some time today.  The boys spent the night.  They had a rough night they both woke up every few minumtes, but they didin't complain or say a single word they would just try and go back to sleep.  I sure wish I could take this all away from them. But we know Hevenly Father knows what best for us so we will put this in his hands. 

I will keep you posted.  Brandi is hoping that  Aaron will live just a few minutes long enough for them to hold him and give him a blessing and a name.  If she can do that she will feel she did everything she could for him. 

Saturday, January 2, 2010