Monday, January 4, 2010

Today is the day

The holidays are over with.  That was one of Brandi's goals to see if she could get through the holidays before she delivered Aaron.  She is at the Hospital todaoy and we are expecting her to deliver some time today.  The boys spent the night.  They had a rough night they both woke up every few minumtes, but they didin't complain or say a single word they would just try and go back to sleep.  I sure wish I could take this all away from them. But we know Hevenly Father knows what best for us so we will put this in his hands. 

I will keep you posted.  Brandi is hoping that  Aaron will live just a few minutes long enough for them to hold him and give him a blessing and a name.  If she can do that she will feel she did everything she could for him. 


Crowther family said...

Thanks for all u do mom! We love you!!

Bridget said...

Keeping Brandi in my thoughts today. I hope all goes as well as it can. Also hoping that you and Gabe can hold up okay. I'm sure it is hard worrying about your daughter and grandson(s).

Laurie said...

I am so glad my wonderful have such an awesome family by her side! I love you all!