Monday, April 21, 2008

Brandi ran a half Marathon Saturday morning so I told her the boys should spend the night since she had to leave so early in the morning. They can not have a sleep over without a bath in grandma big jet tub. They are getting to big to bath together, so we make they bath with swimming suits on of course you can't tell that for all the bubbles. I think they did some of the best bubbles so far. After keeping up with a three year old and four year old all night I think I felt like I had run the Marathon. Brandi did a great job finished in just a bit over 2 hours. We are proud of her!
This was first time Skyler was willing to spend the night he usually tells me, he has a side job and can't make it but maybe next time.

1 comment:

Crowther family said...

Thank you for letting Skyler sleep over. And maybe next time Dad will give him some motrin or tylenol. Instead of fruit....